Jay-vee Marasigan Pangan


Jay-vee Marasigan Pangan is a Filipino multimedia journalist, educator, and cooperator dedicated to advancing the global cooperative movement. Combining expertise in storytelling, media, and education, he has crafted campaigns for initiatives like stories.coop, the International Day of Cooperatives, the Cooperative World Map, and the ICA Global Cooperative Conference.

Jay-vee has produced multimedia materials for organizations such as ICA, NCBA-CLUSA, Young European Cooperators Network (YECN), NRECA International, and Dot Cooperation. In Hiroshima, Japan, he worked with Nobel Prize Winner ICAN and other groups on grassroots peace campaigns and atomic bombing survivor stories. He holds an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master’s Degree in Journalism, Media, and Globalization from Aarhus University in Denmark and Charles University in the Czech Republic, and a bachelor’s degree in education from Holy Angel University.
